
Im A gOoD wIfE

Yesterday in my attempt to continue my streak of nice things to do for my hubby (more on this in a bit) I asked D if he wanted an iPhone for Christmas. Thinking he was as big a dork as me and knowing his past fascination with my new toy I knew his answer was going to be yes... WRONG!!! He actually said no and for me to save my money...however he did say I could get him a year subscription to XM radio!

I'm sure you are wondering what other "nice" thing I have done lately... Well.. I did give him my old laptop when my new one came!!! Here he is reformatting it and having a grand old time!

Im A gOoD wIfE
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

See!!! I am a good wifey!!!

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Braving the Arirang said...

Yay!!! I can't wait to show you my new haircut either!! I was laughing so hard when D told me he really liked it - only because it made me feel good to know that my friends all like it JUST AS MUCH as I do!! :-)

Good God woman, blogging like a rockstar since the iPhone, eh?!?!

I can't believe how big Drew has gotten!! (Looking at the pic below!)