

So after my old hand mixer died on my, I went shopping for a new trusty friend. My choice was a nice name brand hand mixer or a semi name brand stand mixer... for the same price.

Me being the frugal person that I am (also thinking about all the times my feet hurt and I wanted to sit down while my batter was mixing) went with the stand mixer.

So more cake, cookie and cupcakes adventures to come for me!!!

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ByE bYe

Linda - 1
Mixer - 0

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CuPpAs At WoRk

Got to try out my "new" (meaning it's been in storage for a year and finally pulled it out) cupcake tower at the birthday celebration for work today..

Must say, everyone thought it was very nice.. I did too!!

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So.. who is watching the debate today??? ME!!!!!

(again.. thanks to KS for finding this awesome pic!!)


My ViEwS

Thanks to my girl KS (who has been my inspiration on a couple of posts)



My first try at making completely homemade sugar cookies! I think they turned out pretty good.. what do you think?



So one of my good friends on my message board posted about this wonderful blanket. I SOOO want one. I do this already with all my blankets during the winter time.. this is perfect for me!

You wanna get it for me for the holidays??.. go HERE

Do I want pink or red?? So many choices!!


LaSt wEdDiNg Of ThE yEaR

Had my last wedding of the year yesterday... it turned out pretty nice.. don't you think?