
NeW tOyS

I love this man... That's my hubby D putting his "new" video card in his computer. Don't you love the gloves?


I really feel like a student today!! Yummy Ledo's Pizza for dinner!

GrOuP pRoJeCtS sUcK!!

Have I told u lately how much I HATE group projects! BLAH! Good thing this one is done after tomorrow...I mean today!! Oh and yes I am up at 12:45 in the morning working on it :/

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o HoLiDaY tReE

o HoLiDaY tReE
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

Today I decorated my mini holiday tree in about 5 minutes :) I'm very happy with the results! For two people who don't really celebrate the holidays besides the giving and receiving of presents and the trips to see family... Our tree is mighty sparkly! Don't be jealous... for about 30 bucks and a trip to Pottery Barn and Borders you could be the lucky owner of a similar tree. Happy Holidays to all!!


oUr WiI

oUr WiI
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

Here is DP (my hubby) setting up our wonderful new Wii!!!! Code named "DopePope's":)

Wii want to play!!!!

BlAcK fRiDaY

BlAcK fRiDaY
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

Went shopping today with BG and had a great time despite the fact we were out of the house by 5:30 in the morning!! She got her navi and AM's game (Assasin's Creed which I love even though I can't play it!). I got my Wii and Tiffany's bracelet!! We also went to World Market, William Sonoma, Pottery Barn and various other stores in Chevy Chase! It's always fun going shopping with a good friend!





HaPpY tHankSgIvInG

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Instead of going on and on about how I am thankful for my hubby:

my family:

my friends:

my business, etc... I figured I would share some thanksgiving humor instead. Enjoy!!


BaBy PrEsEnTs

So, I had a little back log of baby presents to be sent but thankfully they will all be mailed TOMORROW!!! YAY!! This one is for an online friend in Cali. It was a "baby shower" present from a group of friends online which I coordinated. :) What do you think???
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This handsome present if for a high school friend. I saw it while getting my other present and just had to buy it!
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sUsHi MaStEr

sUsHi MaStEr
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

No... Unfortunately that is not me.. Though I did try, my sushi skills are just not that good :/ D sure did eat it up like it was great... I love that about him, he eats whatever I make and acts like its great.. I know the real deal though! The mango green tea was delicious and I got to use my new sushi plates! Guess it wasn't a total bust after all!

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cHiCkA TeRiYaKi

cHiCkA TeRiYaKi
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

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HoMe SiCk

HoMe SiCk
Originally uploaded by stampinpopey

Home sick... BLAH!!! Just me, my laptop, iPhone, and all the shows on TNT :D

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ThAt TiMe Of YeAr

It's that time of year again...

I was at the store today during me "lunch break" and guess what they had blaring through the music system.... CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!

Here it is only the 1st of November and we already should be in the holiday spirit... At least that is what the stores want... Goodness!!! Guess I should get started on my holiday list... already have my one big purchase -D - taken care of... He got a wonderful iPhone just like mine as an early Christmas present... Guess that means I only have 15 more people to shop for (I have a large family) and about 45 smaller gifts to make for friends!!

Bring on the holidays!